Wednesday 2 September 2015

Whatever makes you happy...

...Make more of it!

Seems like every raccoon is trying to find the key to happiness. And I am just sitting here, looking at them trying… Cause deep inside, I know there is nothing that can bring happiness. Why?

Because happiness is not something that can be clearly defined. Happiness is a choice. Your own,  personal choice. You decide what makes you happy and what not. Ιs it a fancy car? A big house? Money, or fame?

Of course, influence is a thing… We all grow up in a material world, making us want more and more each day. We all tend to ask for things, but most of them would actually be useless… Right.. The thrill of opening a new present can not be denied… But happiness is not made of plastic. Happiness is the feeling left inside you. Gratitude, acknowledgment, pleasure, delectation…

Happiness is giving without asking anything back. And I am not talking about gifts, or material things. I am talking about feelings and moments.

Happiness is being fulfilled, even if you are out of money. Cause there is nothing that can buy  your true feelings or thoughts.

Happiness is all about you, versus all the things you want (Or you think you want)...

Cause... What if you already have them? What if there is nothing more significant than the fact that you are alive?

Happiness is… being you!

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