Friday 14 August 2015

5 Reasons to Love the Rain in the Racooniverse!

All the raccoons around the racooniverse are complaining about the unexpected summer squalls that are ruining their summer. But I am a weird raccoon I guess… Cause I love the rain! Any time of the year! Especially on hot summer days! So, here are 5 reasons for all of you that hate the amazing little storms I will always love…

1. Rain brings us together

It is true, umbrellas get us closer! According to (100% accurate) researches, during a rain storm you are more likely (by 34%!) to find the love of your life. 
Dress well, pick your umbrellas and go out to enjoy yourselves! Maybe the love of your life is waiting for you out there!

2. Rain is Inspiring

It is a great time to stay inside and enjoy some creative and lonely time by yourself! You can even stare out of the window, at the stressful people running around, trying to avoid the rain. Oh well, maybe this is not necessary….
One thing is for sure; just the sound of the rain itself can make you feel relaxed and help you think over ideas and plans or even set new goals!

3.Your car gets a wash for free!

So, assuming you really don’t care about finding the love of your life, or being inspired, you have to agree that the rain is a really efficient way to carry through with many “boring” tasks, such as washing your car, your dog or even yourself ( I hope you really don’t need to wait for the rain for the last one…)!

Not to mention the fact that grass and the flowers in the garden get watered! Yes… we all know you forgot to water them for the last 2 months!

4. Of course… It’s all about the Rainbow!

No matter how old you are, you have to admit you tend to smile when you see rainbows! Its astonishing colors work like a 'filter' of happiness for everyone,making us wonder if the tales about gold and leprechauns are true…

5. Rainy days remind you how much you love the sun

Even if nothing of the above changed your feeling over rain, I suppose you are happy enough when it stops. It is a great way to appreciate the hot summer sun and all those cool beaches you can’t wait to visit!
So even if you hate squalls, you can think about the day after and smile again, before diving in the sea!

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